How it works

We have made the process simple for you. Don’t worry, there will be someone on hand to help you until you know what to do.

Step 1: Weigh your container and print a label
Step 2: Fill with as much or as little as you want – you decide
Step 3: Scan your label and reweigh your container
Step 4: Pay

Bring any container you would like to fill. We don’t mind if it is plastic – so long as it is being reused and not thrown away. We can supply paper bags which are made of 100% recycled paper and fully compostable, but we would encourage you to bring a reusable container if possible as there is still a cost to the earth in producing paper bags. We also have a nut butter machine and in Penrith a non-dairy milk machine and coffee grinder to make your products on site.

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